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Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool in dealing with a range of issues. Below you will find some examples of the uses of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can be used to effectively treat many other issues, includng fears and phobias, stress and anxiety, pain management, and so much more. If your particular issue is not mentioned on this site then please get in touch and we can discuss how hypnotherapy can help you.


Weight Management

A person can be overweight for a number of different reasons. Possibly they overeat, maybe they have a sweet tooth, or they eat too much junk food. They may eat emotionally, through boredom or sadness. 

Whatever the reason, hypnotherapy can help break the habit that has made them overweight. 

So many people live their lives on an almost continuous diet, but find they still can't shift that weight. They put in so much effort, and simply can't understand why the weight won't stay off. 

Unhealthy, repetitive behaviours are not controlled by the consious mind; rather they are controlled by the subconsious. With hypnotherapy, we can reprogramme the subconsious mind and alter its relationship with food for good. The client can say goodbye to dieting, and hello to positive, health eating.


Phobias are irrational, persistent fears that lead to avoidance of the fear object. Common phobias include fear of spiders, enclosed spaces, heights, and open spaces. But, all phobias are difficult. They can cause embarrassment, and have a massive impact on day-to-day living. However, no one is born with their phobia - they have learnt it somewhere. This means no-one has to live with their phobia.

Consciously, the sufferer often knows that their fear is irrational, but, frustratingly, the subconcious mind still holds onto that fear.

Hypnotherapy can be used in a number of ways to help eliminate the fear for good. Sometime regression might be necessary to find the root cause of the fear. Other times possitive suggestion and association will be enough to effectively reprogramme a client's feelings about the fear object.

Group Courses

As well as individual sessions, I run a range of courses and group sessions. These are designed to increase the reach of hypnotherapy, and help more people by reducing the cost to the individual.

The courses I run include:

* Group Weight Loss

* Group Quit Smoking

* Stress/Anxiety Management

* Pain Management

Course information, including dates of any new courses, is regularly updated on my Facebook page, and can also be found here in the Gallery.

I also provided reduced-cost group sessions for friends who wish to lose weight or quit smoking together. For more information get in touch via the cotanct page.

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